Due to his sin, Saul is all alone and frightened of his enemies. David will not help him; God will not help him; he’s in a living death. So in desperation Saul does the only thing he can think of
The Prophet Moses and the Bronze Serpent
The Prophet Moses and the Bronze SerpentLeytonstone Library, 7.15pm, Friday 4th October 2024Speaker: E. M. Hishem Hishem grew up in North Africa, has lived in Britain and, today, is the minister of a Christian church in France. He holds a
No luck
Israel has failed to keep the covenant God gave to her at Mount Sinai. Yet with corrupt priests overseeing the people, they are utterly ignorant of their sin. This leads them to imagine that the Lord will protect them and
Closing down
Israel’s wilderness tabernacle – the tent where the ark of God was housed – is coming to the end of its life. That’s because it’s been horribly misused and, also, because God is moving his plans forward to centre on
Big men, little woman
Jesus has silenced his opponents. But he will not be silent. Instead, he asks questions about the legal experts. Why do they struggle to see the most important commands? It’s not because they lack in intellect or knowledge. Their problem
A legal problem
After a number of group attacks, an individual comes to Jesus. This scribe wants to ask which law in all 613 of the Old Testament commandments comes first and provides the core principle that unites all the others. Jesus’ answer
Seven husbands?
Another group tackles Jesus’ authority to teach in the temple. These Sadducees try to show how Jesus’ belief in resurrection fails to understand Moses’ law. But he easily turns it around to show how they fail to understand God who
A tale of the unexpected (HCTW 32)
He Changed The World – for an introduction to this series of talks, please click the title. Mark 9:1-8Using the player above you can listen to/download the talk, which also includes the Bible being read out. Once you’ve listened, take
Let man not separate
In the previous sermon we looked at Jesus’ conversation with his opponents and disciples about divorce. His teaching shocked and challenged them. This sermon goes out from Jesus’ words to look at the topic more broadly. Although each area can
What God has joined
Travelling to Jerusalem, Jesus is pushed by enemies into a debate on divorce. The wrong answer could be disastrous for his campaign. But Jesus won’t be controlled by these hypocrites who claim to keep God’s laws but actually manipulate them