Our finest moments in life sometimes feel spoiled by disappointment at the end. So it is for Jesus’ 3 close disciples: Peter, James and John. They have seen Jesus transfigured with glory on the mountain and had their hopes raised
A taste of glory
Jesus previously said he’s on a hard road with a nasty death at the end of it, and anyone who sticks will him will have to cope with that. But he also said he would give some of them a
No picnic
Jesus’ work and the first apostolic mission have made a big impact. If he wants, Jesus could now form an army in the wilderness. But an army “marches on its stomach”, so the disciples tell him to send them off
Run, run, as fast as you can
The apostles bring back a report to Jesus on the state of Israel. Now they need some quiet to rest and talk. But when Jesus takes them away from the populated centres, a huge crowds runs to join them. In
Ancient rules
James, the brother of Jesus and a pastor of the Jerusalem church, lays out in Ac 15:13-19 why it is acceptable for Jewish and non-Jewish Christians to worship together, without the latter converting to Judaism. However, one problem remains if
Three troublesome trips
Paul’s perseverance is a notable feature in the stories we have about him (eg 2Co 11:16-33). Our verses demonstrate this as he returns from an exhausting mission trip not simply to enjoy a rest at home, but to handle a
Timely gifts
Christians learn from the words and example of Jesus to help the needy. But these verses are more than just a tale of such kindness in action in the church’s early years. They also contribute to Luke’s description of the
Jesus warned his generation about their failure to understand themselves (Jo 8:31-33). In our passage, Stephen does the same with a speech that draws down on Israel’s history. His hearers are mistaken about it, which means they are mistaken about
Unexpected hero
God loves truth (Jo 17:17). But we, at times, twist or corrupt it through lies, half-truths or in other ways. This results in us deceiving others and, even, ourselves. Such self-deceit may leave both individuals and groups with false ideas
Ignorance isn’t bliss
We have many explanations for the harm we cause in life, including not foreseeing the effects of our actions. But though ignorance may explain our sins, does it excuse us from guilt? Peter speaks to this topic. He has accused