David’s attitude and thinking are being tested, to see if he is worthy to be the king God is calling him to be. One particular test comes when Saul falls into his hands. David’s men know what to do: strike
Safe getaway
Jesus is in Gethsemane with 11 of his disciples. The 12th then arrives – Judas – but he does so to betray. It’s such an ugly scene as Judas exploits his friends’ confusion to sell Jesus with a kiss of
Squeezed in the press
As his enemies close in, and death draws near, Jesus protects his disciples and readies them to run. However, there one more element of preparation he needs for himself and them: prayer. So they walk to Gethsemane, a place where
Hit the shepherd
Jesus has his death on his mind because it’s so close now. But he’s also concerned for his disciples. They need to understand that he will be hit hard, like the shepherd of Zechariah 13. When that happens they will
No rest for the weary (HCTW 20)
He Changed The World – for an introduction to this series of talks, please click the title. Mark 6:30-36Using the player above you can listen to/download the talk, which also includes the Bible being read out. Once you’ve listened, take
No picnic
Jesus’ work and the first apostolic mission have made a big impact. If he wants, Jesus could now form an army in the wilderness. But an army “marches on its stomach”, so the disciples tell him to send them off
Run, run, as fast as you can
The apostles bring back a report to Jesus on the state of Israel. Now they need some quiet to rest and talk. But when Jesus takes them away from the populated centres, a huge crowds runs to join them. In
Serious, self-denying service
The New Testament is very aware that churches can end up with leaders who abuse their position. Paul reflects on this topic in our verses, as he gives his final speech to the elders from the church in Ephesus (Ac