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Sermon Summary - Sunday 7 August 2022

Main Bible passage:  Mark 14:43-52

Jesus is in Gethsemane with 11 of his disciples. The 12th then arrives – Judas – but he does so to betray. It’s such an ugly scene as Judas exploits his friends’ confusion to sell Jesus with a kiss of greeting. But, as Jesus has already pointed out, this is also a very dangerous moment. Everyone will now be tempted to do the wrong thing. But he will not. He will stick with God’s plan. So Jesus steps forward to take the ‘hit’ alone, whilst protecting his disciples from harm. Then, though they try to intervene, he sends them scurrying away to safety. Even a 13th man, who has sneaked along with them, gets away safe and sound, albeit rather embarrassed.

Photo by Stephanie Gottschalk on Pixabay

And here is a short talk based on the same passage: He Changed The World (Episode 60)

Safe getaway
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