The Philistines feel bruised and battered, and want rid of the wretched “Ark of God”. Yet, the proud leaders are still uncertain this is anything other than bad fate and are wary of the idea of making an expensive offering
Humpty Dumpty
Israel’s judge of 40 years has fallen: his sons are dead, his daughter-in-law is dead, he is dead. Meanwhile, the Philistines think they have humiliated Israel’s little ‘god in a box’ by taking the golden Ark of the Lord and
Easter Evening 2023
On Easter Sunday Evening we continued on from our morning sermon, thinking about what it is like to be resurrected as Jesus was. Click above to listen to the sermon.
Easter Morning 2023
On Easter Sunday Morning we thought about what it is like to be resurrected as Jesus was. Click above to listen to the sermon.
Fantasy land
Israel has lived in a fantasy land where they imagine God is on their side but they have actually broken covenant with him. Eli’s family have lived in a fantasy land where they think they are successful but they are