There is a temporary peace between David and Saul. So David makes a peace effort with a wealthy neighbour in his tribal homeland. His expectation is that given its the festive time of shearing, his overtures will be welcomed and
God revealed in Jesus
7.2 God has revealed Himself through word and deed in history as He has fulfilled His plan of salvation, leading up to the life, death, resurrection, and ascension of Jesus Christ, and the sending of the Holy Spirit. God has
Temporary repentance
David has boldly confronted Saul with his crimes, using evidence that shows clearly David has no ill intentions towards him. How does the king respond? With heart-felt sorrow. Saul is broken by David’s words and actions. Then he recognises that
Knowing God
7.1 Although God reveals His glory and power in the universe, this is insufficient of itself to lead man into a personal relationship with Him. Therefore, God has revealed Himself and His plan of salvation to man, in order that
Raised and exalted
3.2 … On the third day after He was put to death He rose again from the dead, as foretold by the Scriptures. By His resurrection He broke the power of death in order to give life to all who
Son of Judah
3.2 … As a substitute for sinners, He took on Himself the full weight of God’s righteous anger against sin. … Photo by Fausto Marqués on Unsplash
Jesus’ birth and life
3.2 … By the power of the Holy Spirit, Jesus Christ the Son of God was born of the virgin Mary. He lived a life of perfect obedience to His Father, and died a criminal’s death on a cross, though
Who is Jesus?
3.2 At the right time in God’s plan, the Father sent His Son into our world to secure the salvation of sinful human beings. Although sharing equally in the divine nature with the Father, He became a real man, like
2.2 However, the first man Adam rebelled against the commands of God. Because of his rebellion, he forfeited the relationship with God which he had enjoyed, and evil and death began to affect creation. Photo by James Krudop on Unsplash
To do
2.1 We believe that God created man in His own image, thus giving him a unique position and dignity with the created universe. All human beings share equally in this dignity. God created man to know and love Him, and