In November 2023 we started a new series of sermons in our 5pm services. These are thematic sermons which look at the core doctrines that our church believes; each service also involves a time of discussion about the sermon. If you’d like to listen to any of the sermons which have already been preached then you can use the links below.

The photo on the front page is by Alex Lion on Unsplash.

105/11/23We believe in God1.1Sermon
212/11/23Creator, sustainer, ruler1.2Sermon
326/11/23The one who is three1.3Sermon
410/12/23The three who are one1.3Sermon
531/12/23The image of God2.1Sermon
607/01/24To do2.1Sermon
821/01/24What did we lose?2.2Sermon
928/01/24A bad inheritance2.3N/A
1004/02/24Sin, God and us2.3Sermon
1111/02/24God’s choice3.1Sermon
1225/02/24Who is Jesus?3.2Sermon
1303/03/24Jesus’ birth and life3.2Sermon
1410/03/24Son of Judah3.2Sermon
1517/03/24Raised and exalted3.2Sermon
1624/03/24Removing barriers3.2Sermon
1707/04/24Becoming a Christian4.1Sermon
1821/04/24Change your mind4.2/3Sermon
1928/04/24Have faith4.4Sermon
2005/05/24Changed by the Spirit4.5Sermon
2112/05/24Immersed in water4.6Sermon
2302/06/24Worship only Him5.1Sermon
2516/06/24Fighting sin5.3Sermon
2623/06/24Be different5.4Sermon
2730/06/24The church universal6.1Sermon
2807/07/24The local church6.2Sermon
2914/07/24What should we do?6.3Sermon
3021/07/24We should meet6.4Sermon
3111/08/24Let us eat and drink6.5Sermon
3325/08/24Churches together6.7 / 14Sermon
3401/09/24Knowing God7.1Sermon
3508/09/24God revealed in Jesus7.2Sermon
3615/09/24Breathed out by God7.2Sermon
3729/09/24Not the smallest letter7.3Sermon
3813/10/24The Spirit and the Bible7.4Sermon
3920/10/24History’s end8.1Sermon
4027/10/24Heaven and Hell8.1Sermon
4103/11/24All made new8.1Sermon
4210/11/24Rules?Part 2Sermon
4429/12/24Pleasing God9.1Sermon
4612/01/25Don’t give up9.1Sermon
4719/01/25Be a supporter9.1Sermon