9.1e Becoming a Christian and joining a Church is a serious and life changing commitment, and should not be undertaken lightly. Commitment to a Church as a member involves: iii) giving priority to being present at (and taking part in)
Pleasing God
9.1c Becoming a Christian and joining a Church is a serious and life changing commitment, and should not be undertaken lightly. Commitment to a Church as a member involves: i) living a life which is under God’s rule, fulfilling our
Whispers in the night
David has the upper-hand over Saul since he knows exactly where he is whereas Saul is in the dark. So, this time, David goes hunting for the king. However, the situation becomes a temptation when another with him offers to
A mixed sandwich
Chapters 24, 25 and 26 are like a sandwich in 1 Samuel. The first and last are very similar; the middle different but complementary. The three work together to show us David tested for suitability as the king that God
A close shave
David’s attitude and thinking are being tested, to see if he is worthy to be the king God is calling him to be. One particular test comes when Saul falls into his hands. David’s men know what to do: strike
Be different
5.4 Because Christians live for God. we should stand out from the rest of the world. Often this will lead to opposition, but God promises to enable us to remain faithful. The Holy Spirit assures us of our standing as
A test of leadership
The Israelites have proclaimed Saul as they king they want but is he right for the job? During a probationary period, he needs to be tested and the Lord provides that through a foreign king named “Serpent”. This arrogant usurper
Four-way split (HCTW 10)
He Changed The World – for an introduction to this series of talks, please click the title. Mark 4:10-20Using the player above you can listen to/download the talk, which also includes the Bible being read out. Once you’ve listened, take
And so it begins
Mark’s gospel is the announcement of the coming of God’s king: Jesus, a king whom none can ignore. He begins with a dramatic opening as God sends a prophesied herald to start the ball rolling. John comes to warn the
Culture clash
In the early centuries after his resurrection, Jesus’ kingdom grew remarkably. The writer of Acts – Luke – shows us the foundation for that spectacular growth. Key to his tale is Paul, an apostle not from the original twelve (1Co