On the run from the king, David paid a visit to Israel’s priests. In doing so, he intended no harm to them and, indeed, tried to protect them from Saul’s malice. But a spy was present who now reports to
Fleeing murderous Saul, David struggles to find anywhere safe to go. His first thought is to hide amongst his enemies. But that goes badly wrong and he has to extract himself in an embarrassing way. Next he hides in a
David alone
David is on the run from Saul who wants him dead. Jonathan has done his best to protect him but now David must go where Saul can’t reach him. Where is that? David believes the only answer is to his
Humpty Dumpty
Israel’s judge of 40 years has fallen: his sons are dead, his daughter-in-law is dead, he is dead. Meanwhile, the Philistines think they have humiliated Israel’s little ‘god in a box’ by taking the golden Ark of the Lord and
Fantasy land
Israel has lived in a fantasy land where they imagine God is on their side but they have actually broken covenant with him. Eli’s family have lived in a fantasy land where they think they are successful but they are
No luck
Israel has failed to keep the covenant God gave to her at Mount Sinai. Yet with corrupt priests overseeing the people, they are utterly ignorant of their sin. This leads them to imagine that the Lord will protect them and
Closing down
Israel’s wilderness tabernacle – the tent where the ark of God was housed – is coming to the end of its life. That’s because it’s been horribly misused and, also, because God is moving his plans forward to centre on
The Lord is calling
Thanks to wicked corruption, Israel’s Tabernacle has become a very dim place where little is seen of the Lord’s light. But God has not yet abandoned it and, so, having inserted Samuel into the tent, now he calls out to
House rules
Eli sons have not honoured the Lord with their ways and so the Tabernacle has been vandalised and God’s glory stolen from him. In all of this, Eli has failed to step up to the mark and stop them. He’s
Bully for you!
God has embedded the young lad Samuel into the worship centre. But he has to protect him by putting him under the care of Eli. That’s because the main priests – Eli’s sons – are utterly villainous. They run their