6.6 The Church is ultimately governed by Christ, but He does so through calling individuals to lead local Churches. Leaders do not exercise authority on their own account, but in obedience to the leading of the Holy Spirit. This comes
Let us eat and drink
6.5 The Lord’s Supper was instituted by Jesus Christ before He died, and local Churches should continue to celebrate it regularly as part of their meeting together until He returns. As Christians take the bread and wine together, they call
Fighting sin
5.3 Throughout the Christian life, the process of renewal continues. Although there are times when Christians sin and slip back in their relationship with God, this is not to be the norm, and the Bible assures us of the great
Changed by the Spirit
4.5 When we become Christians, the Holy Spirit begins to live in us. He gives us a new heart, which desires above all else to please God. He opens our eyes to understand the message of the Bible, enables us
Lost potential
Saul is hunting David just as he once hunted donkeys. But, as on that occasion, he finds Samuel instead. His soldiers go to kill David but end up prophesying. When he goes the same happens to him except in a
Becoming a Christian
4.1 We believe that God commands each person to stop rebelling against Him and His ways, and to receive the salvation which He offers. Before an individual can be reconciled to God in this way, it is necessary for the
Son of Judah
3.2 … As a substitute for sinners, He took on Himself the full weight of God’s righteous anger against sin. … Photo by Fausto Marqués on Unsplash
Jesus’ birth and life
3.2 … By the power of the Holy Spirit, Jesus Christ the Son of God was born of the virgin Mary. He lived a life of perfect obedience to His Father, and died a criminal’s death on a cross, though
Who is Jesus?
3.2 At the right time in God’s plan, the Father sent His Son into our world to secure the salvation of sinful human beings. Although sharing equally in the divine nature with the Father, He became a real man, like
A tormented king
There is tension in Judah about Saul. David has been anointed but what might come next? Saul himself is growing deranged. No longer helped by God’s Spirit, Saul suffers at the hands of another spirit who brings trouble upon him.