David now works at a palace where the king – Saul – wants him dead. In his corner David has other members of the royal family, seeking to protect him. But Saul in his paranoia about David, schemes secret ways
Perfume of death
The time has come for Jesus to die. Now the forces of evil, which he has been so powerful against, will be allowed to do their worst. It begins with the scheming, greedy crooks up at the temple being ready
The disciples are falling out over the behaviour of two of their number. Jealousy and rivalry can spring up so quickly in any group. It stems, in this case, from their desire to have power like those who rule Jerusalem.
You ask too much!
Though his disciples know Jesus is God’s anointed king, they do not understand the implications. God’s kingdom is built by God’s power, not human strength. So Jesus must die, trusting his father to raise him. The disciples, however, cannot see
Laying a foundation
God’s home is heaven (Is 66:1,2); Israel’s temple was only a place he occasionally visited (1Ki 8:10,11). But Jesus’ body became the permanent earthly home of God (Jo 2:18-21): a living temple, later extended when the Holy Spirit came to