8.1c All creation will be made new, and all evil destroyed, and so God will be honoured for ever. Christians long for this time; they are to prepare themselves for it by the way they conduct their daily lives. Press
Heaven and Hell
8.1b Those who do not know God will be eternally separated from the presence of God in Hell, as God’s just punishment for their sin. Those who know God will be welcomed into the presence of God in Heaven, where
Trust and respect
Philemon 7-10. Paul’s prayer was for his friend’s love to be applied more widely. Now he turns to what that means in practice: welcoming back his slave not with harsh anger but as a Christian brother. However, Paul doesn’t command
Make me smile
Joy is found throughout the New Testament. Yet it often occurs in situations which involve pain or trouble, including our passage. So what is this joy and how can we experience it? Paul has preached Jesus as resurrected saviour to