Though Saul became an easy target for David, he didn’t strike the king but let him go free. But now David faces a choice. Does he leave it there, with Saul ignorant of what has happened? Or does he call
David and Goliath
This story is so well known that it has become a well-used metaphor for situations where someone or something small overcomes seemingly impossible opposition to win a great victory. However, as you read it you discover it’s quite an unusual
A tormented king
There is tension in Judah about Saul. David has been anointed but what might come next? Saul himself is growing deranged. No longer helped by God’s Spirit, Saul suffers at the hands of another spirit who brings trouble upon him.
Salty sacrifice
Jesus is tackling sinful pride in his disciples which is leading them to mistreat others whom he would value and love. So he speaks firmly to the twelve. They have to change their mindset to one of humility and self-sacrifice,
Who’s the greatest?
Jesus is trying hard to get his disciples to see the principle of “strength in weakness”. This is God’s plan for his people. Jesus is going to be handed over to be murdered, but God will raise him up again.
Slave to love
Jesus is God’s eternal Son (He 1:1-4). Yet his life on earth was slave-like (Ph 2:6-7), lived under the brutal authority of worldly powers and often utterly exhausting. Why? In order to save his people from sin (Ph 2:8; 1Jo
Handle with care
Genesis describes the start of the world as good (Ge 1:31): a place where early humanity could live in innocence and peace (Ge 2:25). Society today is rather different! Sin has created division, disharmony and violence. The Lord has promised
Have you washed?
Rituals are found in human societies across the world and often come with a strong pressure to conform. First century Judaism had quite a few, developed from the Old Testament (Mk 7:1-13). However, the reason for them is not always
Marked disagreement
Discussion and disagreement have been important means of development in the Christian church’s life. Acts 15 is a good example of that, with its tense argument about how to handle non-Jewish Christians that results in a peace-making solution. However, big
Fully rescued
Stories of rescues have a peculiar power for us. Dramatic ones are often reported widely. One of the famous rescues in the Bible – Noah’s – has been replayed in countless talks, books and songs. Somehow those who survive help