Work tension makes Jesus’ team irritable and frustrated. When parents of healthy children turn up to see him, they push them away. The work of the kingdom is too important for such distractions. Jesus, however, takes the very opposite view.
Who’s the greatest?
Jesus is trying hard to get his disciples to see the principle of “strength in weakness”. This is God’s plan for his people. Jesus is going to be handed over to be murdered, but God will raise him up again.
Striding on the sea
Jesus has dismissed any thought of an army of men, sending his twelve disciples away in their boat whilst he goes alone to pray privately. In doing so he decides it is time to make known, to his team, more
Away for twelve
Jesus could so easily become a king in the normal way, given the size of the crowds who are flooding to him and the power he appears to wield. Yet his kingdom is not of this world. So he does
A humble touch
Recent events at a synagogue stir interest in Jesus, but he won’t play to the crowds. He heads to the private residence of Simon and Andrew, even though it is currently a place of sickness. There he touchingly heals Simon’s