Though Saul became an easy target for David, he didn’t strike the king but let him go free. But now David faces a choice. Does he leave it there, with Saul ignorant of what has happened? Or does he call
A close shave
David’s attitude and thinking are being tested, to see if he is worthy to be the king God is calling him to be. One particular test comes when Saul falls into his hands. David’s men know what to do: strike
You’d better take care (HCTW 36)
He Changed The World – for an introduction to this series of talks, please click the title. Mark 9:42-50Using the player above you can listen to/download the talk, which also includes the Bible being read out. Once you’ve listened, take
Salty sacrifice
Jesus is tackling sinful pride in his disciples which is leading them to mistreat others whom he would value and love. So he speaks firmly to the twelve. They have to change their mindset to one of humility and self-sacrifice,