8.1c All creation will be made new, and all evil destroyed, and so God will be honoured for ever. Christians long for this time; they are to prepare themselves for it by the way they conduct their daily lives. Press
Knowing God
7.1 Although God reveals His glory and power in the universe, this is insufficient of itself to lead man into a personal relationship with Him. Therefore, God has revealed Himself and His plan of salvation to man, in order that
Raised and exalted
3.2 … On the third day after He was put to death He rose again from the dead, as foretold by the Scriptures. By His resurrection He broke the power of death in order to give life to all who
To do
2.1 We believe that God created man in His own image, thus giving him a unique position and dignity with the created universe. All human beings share equally in this dignity. God created man to know and love Him, and
The image of God
2.1 We believe that God created man in His own image, thus giving him a unique position and dignity with the created universe. All human beings share equally in this dignity. God created man to know and love Him, and
Creator, sustainer, ruler
1.2 God created from nothing the entire universe; He upholds it by His power so that it continues to exist; and He sovereignly rules over all things for His glory, in a manner which expresses His infinity and perfection. Photo
A God-centred view
Paul is on a doomed ship in the middle of the Mediterranean sea. However, he cannot see these circumstances as others see them. The rest of the ship is in panic and the sailors are plotting a way of escape,
Clean in Christ
Peter, in Acts 10, learns an important lesson as Jesus prepares him to meet with a Gentile. But what does the apostle mean when he says he no longer regards anyone as ‘unclean’ (v28)? To start to get into his