David and Jonathan plan to test Saul using his temper. David has sworn that Saul is hiding from his son a plot to kill David. If the king becomes angry when he suspects Jonathan has found out about the plot,
Friendship under stress
Saul’s son Jonathan previously made a covenant with David which should protect him and see him installed as king (18:3-4). However, all the trouble with Saul has raised questions in David’s mind. Is the agreement still good? Is Jonathan still
Listen to the cows
The Philistines feel bruised and battered, and want rid of the wretched “Ark of God”. Yet, the proud leaders are still uncertain this is anything other than bad fate and are wary of the idea of making an expensive offering
Humpty Dumpty
Israel’s judge of 40 years has fallen: his sons are dead, his daughter-in-law is dead, he is dead. Meanwhile, the Philistines think they have humiliated Israel’s little ‘god in a box’ by taking the golden Ark of the Lord and
Fantasy land
Israel has lived in a fantasy land where they imagine God is on their side but they have actually broken covenant with him. Eli’s family have lived in a fantasy land where they think they are successful but they are
No luck
Israel has failed to keep the covenant God gave to her at Mount Sinai. Yet with corrupt priests overseeing the people, they are utterly ignorant of their sin. This leads them to imagine that the Lord will protect them and
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This sermon is an alternative, more devotional look at the verses, centring on the great gospel message of repentance and faith in Christ. It was preached in an evening sermon to complement the regular morning preaching as part of a
You aren’t what you eat
Jesus’ kingdom is formed from the rebirth of Israel. But some cling to the wreckage of broken, ancient Israel and so rage against him. But these men are seriously misled by their own minds. They consider themselves careful law-keepers but
Rules for life
The appearance of Jesus like the Old Testament Lord walking upon the sea was an important new stage in his work. But as the kingdom goes forward, its opponents rise up to resist it. Ancient Israel should be the seed