He Changed The World – for an introduction to this series of talks, please click the title. Mark 6:30-36Using the player above you can listen to/download the talk, which also includes the Bible being read out. Once you’ve listened, take
Striding on the sea
Jesus has dismissed any thought of an army of men, sending his twelve disciples away in their boat whilst he goes alone to pray privately. In doing so he decides it is time to make known, to his team, more
Run, run, as fast as you can
The apostles bring back a report to Jesus on the state of Israel. Now they need some quiet to rest and talk. But when Jesus takes them away from the populated centres, a huge crowds runs to join them. In
Tale of the unexpected
Jesus needs to stretch the faith of his disciples to strengthen and prepare it for the trials ahead. They really need to grasp that he means what he says about God’s kingdom. So he decides on a trip across the
Away for twelve
Jesus could so easily become a king in the normal way, given the size of the crowds who are flooding to him and the power he appears to wield. Yet his kingdom is not of this world. So he does
A God-centred view
Paul is on a doomed ship in the middle of the Mediterranean sea. However, he cannot see these circumstances as others see them. The rest of the ship is in panic and the sailors are plotting a way of escape,
A Jonah moment
Shocking drowning incidents occur at a number of places in the Bible. The Flood is the first and most terrifying (Ge 7). There is also the crossing of the Red Sea (Ex 14) and the frightening storm on Galilee (Lu