The Prophet Moses and the Bronze SerpentLeytonstone Library, 7.15pm, Friday 4th October 2024Speaker: E. M. Hishem Hishem grew up in North Africa, has lived in Britain and, today, is the minister of a Christian church in France. He holds a
God revealed in Jesus
7.2 God has revealed Himself through word and deed in history as He has fulfilled His plan of salvation, leading up to the life, death, resurrection, and ascension of Jesus Christ, and the sending of the Holy Spirit. God has
Knowing God
7.1 Although God reveals His glory and power in the universe, this is insufficient of itself to lead man into a personal relationship with Him. Therefore, God has revealed Himself and His plan of salvation to man, in order that
6.6 The Church is ultimately governed by Christ, but He does so through calling individuals to lead local Churches. Leaders do not exercise authority on their own account, but in obedience to the leading of the Holy Spirit. This comes
Tough decisions
David’s decision to go to God’s tent led to the massacre of the priests. When the sole survivor finds him, therefore, David takes him under this care. This then results in David having the blessing of the Lord’s guidance in
From Iraq to Japan to Britain
The story of a military investigator This talk took place at 7.15pm on Friday 19th July 2024. You can listen to it by pressing here Today, Grayson Fuhrman pastors a small but growing church in Chingford. However, his road to
Changed by the Spirit
4.5 When we become Christians, the Holy Spirit begins to live in us. He gives us a new heart, which desires above all else to please God. He opens our eyes to understand the message of the Bible, enables us
David and Goliath
This story is so well known that it has become a well-used metaphor for situations where someone or something small overcomes seemingly impossible opposition to win a great victory. However, as you read it you discover it’s quite an unusual
2.2 However, the first man Adam rebelled against the commands of God. Because of his rebellion, he forfeited the relationship with God which he had enjoyed, and evil and death began to affect creation. Photo by James Krudop on Unsplash
To do
2.1 We believe that God created man in His own image, thus giving him a unique position and dignity with the created universe. All human beings share equally in this dignity. God created man to know and love Him, and