9.1d Becoming a Christian and joining a Church is a serious and life changing commitment, and should not be undertaken lightly. Commitment to a Church as a member involves: ii) submitting to and learning from the teaching and practice of
Pleasing God
9.1c Becoming a Christian and joining a Church is a serious and life changing commitment, and should not be undertaken lightly. Commitment to a Church as a member involves: i) living a life which is under God’s rule, fulfilling our
Our practice in church life The object of this Church is to glorify God, to promote His worship, and proclaim and defend the Christian faith as revealed by God in the Scriptures. The Scriptures are, therefore, to be taught in
The Spirit and the Bible
7.4 In order to understand the message of the Bible, we depend on the Holy Spirit to enlighten us. He does so as we study the Bible humbly and reverently, as we benefit from the ministry of those whom the
The Prophet Moses and the Bronze Serpent
The Prophet Moses and the Bronze SerpentLeytonstone Library, 7.15pm, Friday 4th October 2024Speaker: E. M. Hishem Hishem grew up in North Africa, has lived in Britain and, today, is the minister of a Christian church in France. He holds a
Not the smallest letter
7.3 Although human authors wrote the Bible, God ensured that they wrote the very words which He wished to be recorded as His revelation to man. Because this is so, the Bible is entirely trustworthy in all its teaching; therefore
Breathed out by God
7.2 God has revealed Himself through word and deed in history as He has fulfilled His plan of salvation, leading up to the life, death, resurrection, and ascension of Jesus Christ, and the sending of the Holy Spirit. God has
God revealed in Jesus
7.2 God has revealed Himself through word and deed in history as He has fulfilled His plan of salvation, leading up to the life, death, resurrection, and ascension of Jesus Christ, and the sending of the Holy Spirit. God has
Knowing God
7.1 Although God reveals His glory and power in the universe, this is insufficient of itself to lead man into a personal relationship with Him. Therefore, God has revealed Himself and His plan of salvation to man, in order that
6.6 The Church is ultimately governed by Christ, but He does so through calling individuals to lead local Churches. Leaders do not exercise authority on their own account, but in obedience to the leading of the Holy Spirit. This comes