David is on a mission to kill and no man can stop him! So the Lord doesn’t send a man but a courageous woman, Abigail, who helps David to see he must not stain his hands with innocent blood in
Unexpected encounter
David is very angry. A wealthy neighbour, called Nabal, has rudely rebuffed his approach for fellowship. So now he’s going to pay him and his estate back with violence! However, Abigail – Nabal’s wife – takes her life in her
Failed expectations
There is a temporary peace between David and Saul. So David makes a peace effort with a wealthy neighbour in his tribal homeland. His expectation is that given its the festive time of shearing, his overtures will be welcomed and
Unforeseen consequences
On the run from the king, David paid a visit to Israel’s priests. In doing so, he intended no harm to them and, indeed, tried to protect them from Saul’s malice. But a spy was present who now reports to
An emotional goodbye
Jonathan now knows his father’s murderous plans towards David. So he must warn him and then they must part. But that is so painful. Jonathan loves his friend as a brother and would happily serve under him, yet must remain
The temper test
David and Jonathan plan to test Saul using his temper. David has sworn that Saul is hiding from his son a plot to kill David. If the king becomes angry when he suspects Jonathan has found out about the plot,
Friendship under stress
Saul’s son Jonathan previously made a covenant with David which should protect him and see him installed as king (18:3-4). However, all the trouble with Saul has raised questions in David’s mind. Is the agreement still good? Is Jonathan still
Sin, God and us
2.2 However, the first man Adam rebelled against the commands of God. Because of his rebellion, he forfeited the relationship with God which he had enjoyed, and evil and death began to affect creation. Photo by Aaron Burdan on Unsplash
Patience runs out (HCTW 42)
He Changed The World – for an introduction to this series of talks, please click the title. Mark 11:27-12-11Using the player above you can listen to/download the talk, which also includes the Bible being read out. Once you’ve listened, take
Two riddles
Jesus has faced down the bullying leaders of Jerusalem. But he won’t just let them walk away. Instead, he tells one of his parables. The meaning may not be plain to some, but his opponents get it. Jesus is exposing