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Sermon Summary - Sunday 27 November 2022

Main Bible passage:  Mark 15:33-39

Psalm 22 sings with the voice of a king of Israel cut off from God and mocked by others, who clings on and comes through to glorious hope. Jesus takes that Psalm onto his lips as he approaches death. It captures the depth of suffering he faces to protect his people from the consequences of their sin. But it also points to victory in death, so that when he breaths his final breath, the centurion watching is stunned by what he sees. No man ever died like this, in the care of God. A point God makes clear by ripping the curtain in Jerusalem’s barren temple for at the cross is where God is found, not in a stone building.

Photo by whoislimos on Unsplash

And here is a short talk based on the same passage: He Changed The World (Episode 68)

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