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Sermon Summary - Sunday 17 July 2022

Main Bible passage:  Mark 14:22-25

On the evening before he dies, Jesus shares an intimate meal with his disciples. It begins as a Passover, but feels like no other Passover meal his team have ever had, as the threat of his death hangs over the whole occasion. Then Jesus speaks to transform the meal. The bread becomes his body for he will be their new Passover lamb to save them from God’s wrath eternally. The wine is his blood for he will give new life to them by taking away their sin: and this is certain for he is personally signing a new covenant to ensure this. And so this beautiful, small meal becomes very precious to them, and to the church ever since as we repeat it at the Lord’s Supper. But we also look forward to Christ’s return and the heavenly wine with which we’ll celebrate that victory day.

Photo by Valentina Fischer on Unsplash

And here is a short talk based on the same passage: He Changed The World (Episode 57)

A new Passover [2]
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