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Sermon Summary - Sunday 3 July 2022

Main Bible passage:  Mark 14:12-21

For centuries Israel has celebrated the Passover, a festival which looks back to the grief-filled night in Egypt when God redeemed the nation from violent slavery. Now Jesus will celebrate it with his twelve disciples. But he’s aware that everything will change this night because he’s announcing a new Passover, one which will provide full release from slavery i.e. not just slavery to a foreign power, but the slavery to sin, Satan and death which controls every human life. It’s an amazing announcement but it’s given in sad circumstances for Jesus knows he will be betrayed to death this night. On the other side of the cross, however, lies eternal freedom for all those with faith in Christ.

Photo by cottonbro on Pexels

And here is a short talk based on the same passage: He Changed The World (Episode 57)

A new Passover
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