Sermon Summary - Thursday 24 December 2015

Main Bible passage:  Luke 1:26-35

Click the left arrow (“In him was life”) at the bottom to go to the next in the series

The passage above is one that we’ve already read but its worth reading a second time. In particular, notice the words spoken to Mary in verse 30. They begin with “do not be afraid”. That phrase is very common in the Bible; it appears more than once in the Christmas story. It’s what you get when God intervenes in your life: the end of fear.

We all have fears. What are you afraid of? Any of the things we’ve already described in this booklet? Do you fear what others may do to you, because you’ve been hurt in the past? Do you fear what you might do to others, because you know the ways you’ve let people down? Do you fear what might come your way in life, knowing how it can go wrong so easily? Do you fear the unknown – experiences which you are unprepared for? Do you fear the darkness of death?

Joseph and Mary, along with others in the Christmas story, were told “do not be afraid” when Jesus was conceived. Even though they were entering into some really difficult circumstances, such as the murderous hatred of Herod, they did not need to quake with fear. Jesus was born to be God’s king who saves. He was born to take away fears and give peace to all who trust him for protection in this frightening world. And he’s been doing just that for 2000 years.

Wouldn’t you like to put your fears to rest? Jesus can grant that. The baby once cuddled in Mary’s arms is God come to us. He can do the impossible. He saves from sin and death. Turn to him. Pray to him. Ask him to give forgiveness and peace to you. Find the end of fear.

Do not be afraid (7 of 8)
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