These words come from the “Contact” leaflet we distributed in the Christmas of 2018. To see the whole leaflet, please click here: Contact – Christmas 2018 (PDF) Christmas noun, from Old English annual festival celebrating the birth of Jesus Christ
Wonderfully made?
These words come from the “Contact” leaflet we distributed in the Summer of 2018. To see the whole leaflet, please click here: Contact – Summer 2018 (PDF) People are amazing. What we’re able to think, say, make and do is
Do you know what the word ‘incarnation’ means? No? Then let me explain. Start with the thought of people who are far away from you. Maybe you have friends who live at a distance, or family in a different country,
Life in 60 sec
Our Contact leaflet for Autumn 2017 includes three brief but important questions about life. You can read the whole leaflet here as a PDF: Contact – Autumn 2017 (PDF) Or you can just answer the questions online via this link:
Waiting for Christmas
Christmas. It starts with the cheap wrapping paper in January, ramps up in the autumn with the shops’ first displays, then perches near the end of December waiting to arrive as you cross the days off your advent calendar. Even
Two men walk into a …
…temple. The first man was sure of himself. He knew what his life was. He knew where he was going. He had everything under control. And he’d tell anyone who would listen. The second man was unsure. He was successful,
Contact leaflets
Over 10 years we designed a handout to be given away free in the local community three times a year. These folded A4 leaflets were mostly printed for us by Print24. You can also see our leaflets in PDF (Adobe
Introduction (1 of 8)
Click the left arrow (“To us a child is born”) at the bottom to go to the next in the series The aim of these posts (which come from a booklet we produce) is to give you the opportunity to
To us a child is born (2 of 8)
Click the left arrow (“Nothing is impossible”) at the bottom to go to the next in the series Christmas is for the children, so it’s said. After all, at the heart of the original story is a baby called Jesus
Nothing is impossible (3 of 8)
Click the left arrow (“Good news”) at the bottom to go to the next in the series God was behind it all: at work in the events of Christmas. Really? Maybe you doubt that. You have a different religion, a