2.1 We believe that God created man in His own image, thus giving him a unique position and dignity with the created universe. All human beings share equally in this dignity. God created man to know and love Him, and to rule over and care for the earth which He had made.
2.2 However, the first man Adam rebelled against the commands of God. Because of his rebellion, he forfeited the relationship with God which he had enjoyed, and evil and death began to affect creation.
2.3 Since then all men have inherited at birth a sinful nature, and an inbuilt bias towards sin and against God; therefore all share in sin’s guilt. Every aspect of human nature has been corrupted by sin. As man is unable and unwilling to free himself from his slavery to sin, he is subject to God’s righteous anger and judgment. Yet he remains a morally responsible being, accountable to his Creator.
Passages for study: Genesis 1:26-3:24; Romans 1:18-3:20, 5:12-21; Ephesians 2:1-3;