8.1b Those who do not know God will be eternally separated from the presence of God in Hell, as God’s just punishment for their sin. Those who know God will be welcomed into the presence of God in Heaven, where
A mixed sandwich
Chapters 24, 25 and 26 are like a sandwich in 1 Samuel. The first and last are very similar; the middle different but complementary. The three work together to show us David tested for suitability as the king that God
History’s end
8.1 We believe that history is moving towards the time when all whom God has chosen will have been saved, and Jesus Christ will return visibly and in person. The dead will be raised, and everyone who has ever lived
Help from the Lord
David is on a mission to kill and no man can stop him! So the Lord doesn’t send a man but a courageous woman, Abigail, who helps David to see he must not stain his hands with innocent blood in
The Spirit and the Bible
7.4 In order to understand the message of the Bible, we depend on the Holy Spirit to enlighten us. He does so as we study the Bible humbly and reverently, as we benefit from the ministry of those whom the
Unexpected encounter
David is very angry. A wealthy neighbour, called Nabal, has rudely rebuffed his approach for fellowship. So now he’s going to pay him and his estate back with violence! However, Abigail – Nabal’s wife – takes her life in her