The Prophet Moses and the Bronze SerpentLeytonstone Library, 7.15pm, Friday 4th October 2024Speaker: E. M. Hishem Hishem grew up in North Africa, has lived in Britain and, today, is the minister of a Christian church in France. He holds a
Not the smallest letter
7.3 Although human authors wrote the Bible, God ensured that they wrote the very words which He wished to be recorded as His revelation to man. Because this is so, the Bible is entirely trustworthy in all its teaching; therefore
Breathed out by God
7.2 God has revealed Himself through word and deed in history as He has fulfilled His plan of salvation, leading up to the life, death, resurrection, and ascension of Jesus Christ, and the sending of the Holy Spirit. God has
Failed expectations
There is a temporary peace between David and Saul. So David makes a peace effort with a wealthy neighbour in his tribal homeland. His expectation is that given its the festive time of shearing, his overtures will be welcomed and
God revealed in Jesus
7.2 God has revealed Himself through word and deed in history as He has fulfilled His plan of salvation, leading up to the life, death, resurrection, and ascension of Jesus Christ, and the sending of the Holy Spirit. God has
Temporary repentance
David has boldly confronted Saul with his crimes, using evidence that shows clearly David has no ill intentions towards him. How does the king respond? With heart-felt sorrow. Saul is broken by David’s words and actions. Then he recognises that
Knowing God
7.1 Although God reveals His glory and power in the universe, this is insufficient of itself to lead man into a personal relationship with Him. Therefore, God has revealed Himself and His plan of salvation to man, in order that
Dealing with an enemy
Though Saul became an easy target for David, he didn’t strike the king but let him go free. But now David faces a choice. Does he leave it there, with Saul ignorant of what has happened? Or does he call