6.7 Just as Christians within a Church are to love and accept one another, so true Christian Churches within a particular locality are to demonstrate their unity in Christ by their relationships (more is said on this in ‘Our Practice
A close shave
David’s attitude and thinking are being tested, to see if he is worthy to be the king God is calling him to be. One particular test comes when Saul falls into his hands. David’s men know what to do: strike
6.6 The Church is ultimately governed by Christ, but He does so through calling individuals to lead local Churches. Leaders do not exercise authority on their own account, but in obedience to the leading of the Holy Spirit. This comes
Let us eat and drink
6.5 The Lord’s Supper was instituted by Jesus Christ before He died, and local Churches should continue to celebrate it regularly as part of their meeting together until He returns. As Christians take the bread and wine together, they call
A testing time
God isn’t making things easy for David on the road towards being king. But the hard tests he faces prepare him for future service. Thus, David finds no refuge even amongst his Judahite kinsman and, having been betrayed, ends up