Jesus pulls no punches as he speaks of the wickedness of the human heart and its evil thoughts. His list of examples started with sexual immorality. Next he speaks of theft and murder. The temptation to satisfy ourselves and not
Not a ghost (HCTW 22)
He Changed The World – for an introduction to this series of talks, please click the title. Mark 6:46-57Using the player above you can listen to/download the talk, which also includes the Bible being read out. Once you’ve listened, take
What’s inside?
Jesus is speaking plainly about the sinful human heart, to counteract his opponents’ self-righteousness. We aren’t made bad by our environment but by what’s wrong inside all of us. Thoughts rise up from within, often occupying our minds, which are
One more thing (HCTW 21)
He Changed The World – for an introduction to this series of talks, please click the title. Mark 6:37-46Using the player above you can listen to/download the talk, which also includes the Bible being read out. Once you’ve listened, take
You aren’t what you eat
Jesus’ kingdom is formed from the rebirth of Israel. But some cling to the wreckage of broken, ancient Israel and so rage against him. But these men are seriously misled by their own minds. They consider themselves careful law-keepers but
Rules for life
The appearance of Jesus like the Old Testament Lord walking upon the sea was an important new stage in his work. But as the kingdom goes forward, its opponents rise up to resist it. Ancient Israel should be the seed
No rest for the weary (HCTW 20)
He Changed The World – for an introduction to this series of talks, please click the title. Mark 6:30-36Using the player above you can listen to/download the talk, which also includes the Bible being read out. Once you’ve listened, take
Striding on the sea
Jesus has dismissed any thought of an army of men, sending his twelve disciples away in their boat whilst he goes alone to pray privately. In doing so he decides it is time to make known, to his team, more