Jesus has previously shown that his miracles are pointers to his greatest work: forgiveness for sin. That’s even clearer when he calls Levi to follow him. Though named after the priestly tribe of Israel, this man has become an ‘unclean’
The wrong people (HCTW 5)
He Changed The World – for an introduction to this series of talks, please click the title. Mark 2:13-2:22Using the player above you can listen to/download the talk, which also includes the Bible being read out. Once you’ve listened, take
Ready and able
As Jesus works through the synagogues of Galilee, he meets an ‘unclean’ man. The man has a skin disease which is not only unpleasant but also blocks him out from Israel’s worship. With a single touch, Jesus transforms the man.
Breaking through barriers (HCTW 4)
He Changed The World – for an introduction to this series of talks, please click the title. Mark 1:40-2:12Using the player above you can listen to/download the talk, which also includes the Bible being read out. Once you’ve listened, take