12.1 The Church shall hold Members’ Meetings as often as necessary, but at least three times a year. At such meetings the elders will lead the Church in:

  • prayer and waiting on God, especially for God’s blessing on the Church;
  • the appointment of elders, deacons and other officers;
  • dealing with pastoral matters such as setting apart members for particular aspects of Christian work, Church discipline, and other concerns relating to the Church’s spiritual health which the elders may have or which are brought to their attention;
  • considering Church policy and relationships with other Churches and groups;
  • reviewing and planning for the work of the Church (all departments of the Church shall communicate regularly with the members via the Members’ Meetings, and raise major issues with the whole Church for prayer and consideration);
  • financial matters (accounts shall be presented to the Church at the regular Members’ Meetings and major items of expenditure discussed, while annual accounts shall be prepared in accordance with the law of the land, circulated to members, and available for public inspection);
  • discussing reports and major proposals relating to Church property (see Appendix B); and
  • reaffirming the Church Covenant, annually (see Appendix A).

12.2 All Members’ Meetings require the presence of at least one third of the members (except for cases outlined in sections 13.5 and 15.1). Where possible, notice of such meetings should be given to the Church at its meetings on the two preceding Sundays (except where the elders wish to notify members of applications for membership, in which case no notice need be given). They shall normally be chaired by an elder, and minutes shall be taken by an individual appointed so to do. Members shall exercise discretion and caution in their conversation with non-members concerning matters discussed at Members’ Meetings. Non-members shall only be permitted to be

12.3 Members are encouraged to raise items for possible consideration at a Members’ Meeting. They should notify the elders, who shall discuss all items before bringing them to the Church.

12.4 The object of each Members’ Meeting shall be to discern the will of God. Although each member shall be involved in this process, it mayor may not be achieved by formal voting. Members who are below 16 years of age shall not be entitled to vote, though they shall be encouraged to attend where possible (although it may be inadvisable in certain sensitive issues), and may also speak. The elders normally shall bring a recommendation on each issue to the Church and members shall consider this, dissenting only when there is good reason (such as conscientious objection grounded in Biblical teaching). However, the elders shall listen carefully to any objections since these may be a sign that the matter needs to be considered further before action may be taken.